Connected Industry Market Research Reports

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  1. 28 Apr 2014  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    Impact of Social Media Technologies on IT Decision MakersUnited States and Europe

    Opportunities for Social Media Technology Providers

    The overall research objective of this research service is to measure the current use and future decision-making behavior toward IT technologies, specifically social media. Overall, IT decision makers who consider their company as highly effective at using IT to achieve business objectives rate factors related to IT investments as more important th...

  2. 16 Oct 2013  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    2012 United States IT Decision Makers

    Enterprise Content Management: Bridging Silos to Help Enterprises Solve the Big Data Conundrum

    This customer research was conducted to track content management systems within the corporate environment in the United States. Content management systems, integrated within the IT infrastructure of an organization and on top of the storage architecture, has arguably become the most crucial part of the content/information workflow. This has become ...

  3. Awareness of smart grid technology is low to moderate, yet awareness likely does not stem from electric utility companies. Consistent with the previous years results, nearly 40 percent of residential energy consumers are aware of smart grid technology. However, only very few respondents are aware of any efforts by electric utility companies to int...

  4. 26 Mar 2010  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    U.S. Smart Grid Market -- A Customer Perspective on Demand Response


    To increase the utilization of the current electrical distribution grid, utilities are promoting demand response programs that offer customers financial incentive to shift some demand to off-peak times. This would increase the amount of electricity that the existing grid can carry and reduce the need to expand the grid. The financial incentive co...

  5. 25 Jan 2005  |  North America  |  Customer Research

    The Managed Mobility Services Opportunity: EDS and the Extended Connected Office
