Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 01 Aug 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    More Than Just Being Green—A Sustainability Perspective in the Asia-Pacific Green Buildings Market

    Green Buildings Must Shift Focus from Quantity to Quality

    This document focus on the sustainability issues in the green buildings market in Asia-Pacific. Green buildings must be environmentally sustainable and remain green in their entire lifecycle. The key issue beyond the creation of a green building is the sustainability of the green status and functionality of the green aspects in that building. In or...

  2. 03 Apr 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Rainwater and Stormwater Harvesting Opportunities in Singapore

    Increasing Rainfall Boosts Interest in Flood Mitigation and Utilization of Rainwater

    This study focuses on the highlights in the rainwater and stormwater harvesting market in Singapore. Singapore has a well-developed water industry, but insufficient natural water resources. Water sustainability and security are priorities for its socio-economic growth. Several international and local water companies are participants in this water i...
