Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 21 Sep 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research

    United States Residential Water Softener Solutions Market

    Strong Competitive Strategies Needed to Drive Market Share and Revenue in a Landscape Saturated with Mature Technologies

    Market growth, technologies, and leading competitors are stable in the US water softener solutions market. As a result, growth opportunities await those that deploy strategies to outcompete in customer attractiveness and distribution channels. This research leverages secondary data intelligence and primary research conducted with key market stakeho...

  2. 14 Jun 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Light as a Service

    Triad of Ubiquity, Market Disruptions, and New Business Models

    This market insight explores the profound transformation of the lighting industry. The North American lighting market is expected to face a paradigm shift in terms of business models and technology adoption. This market insight discusses several market trends including key challenges and shifts, strategic partnerships, new business models. It also ...

  3. 25 Sep 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Cybersecurity in Smart Buildings

    Inaction is No Longer an Option

    Todays smart buildings are increasingly enabled by Internet-of-Things because of the convergence of operational and information technology systems. A host of new elements such as the cloud, remote access, data sharing and analytics, and connected and shared networks has changed how built environments are being used and operated. Additionally, these...

  4. 24 Sep 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    The North American HVAC Air Filters Market

    Increased Customer Awareness and Air Quality Requirements will Drive Market Growth

    The North American heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) air filters market is a mature market. The market is driven by the need for energy efficiency and integrated HVAC solutions. The research service has three segments: Standard, HEPA, and Gas Phased Filters. The standard filter segment is a larger product segment. The base year is 2...

  5. 30 Jul 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Flood and Emergency Events in the North American Water and Wastewater Market

    Flooding is the New Normal as Municipalities Must Adapt

    North American cities are highly exposed to the risk and damage of flooding, which is becoming the norm. New strategies in urban flood management are needed to mitigate the impacts. Key Mega Trends affecting the market include climate change, deteriorating infrastructure, and constrained public spending. These realities present an opportunity that ...

  6. 04 May 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the North American Energy Management Systems Market

    The Rising Cost of Energy Pushes the Need for Energy-Saving Efforts

    The North American energy management systems market is driven by rising energy costs, greater demand for energy efficiency, and North American government regulations and legislation. The research service has two segments—building energy management systems (BEMS) and home energy management systems (HEMS). BEMS is the larger product segment, while ...

  7. 19 Feb 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Is De-centralization the Future of Wastewater Treatment Systems?

    An analysis of the private land development market in North America

    The complexity of the wastewater treatment market and its need for cheaper options are urging industry participants to find new concepts. The private sector has key characteristics that can help growth of the residential wastewater treatment market and reduce dependence on a centralized facility. This is a brief insight on the private land developm...
