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02 Dec 2020  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Technology and Sustainability to Drive Recovery in the UK Facility Management Market
Growth Opportunities to Prepare Participants for Success After the Pandemic
The facility management (FM) market in the United Kingdom is going through a transformation phase, driven by technology innovation, new business models, emerging value propositions, and creative service offerings. The UK FM market is one of the most developed and mature in the world, with a highly competitive international supply base. With FM serv...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
27 Apr 2020  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Growth Opportunities in the French Facility Management Market, Forecast to 2025
Technical Services and Integrated Contracts Will be the Main Growth Drivers
France is the third largest market for FM in Europe (after the UK and Germany) and is growing faster than the average rate of the western European market. It will present opportunities to incumbent suppliers as well as attract new entrants from outside the country. Like all markets in Europe, FM in France is going through a transformation driven by...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
29 Jan 2020  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Growth Projections for European Facility Management Market, Forecasts to 2025
Growth Opportunities are Driven by Service Integration, User Experience, Business Productivity, Technical Services, and Internationalisation
The European facility management (FM) market is worth almost a quarter of a trillion dollars today. Although overall market growth is fairly flat, it will provide exciting opportunities in specific geographies, segments, and delivery models in the period to 2025. In spite of the significant revenue opportunity for outsourced FM, services are comm...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %