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28 Oct 2024  |  Latin America  |  Market Research
Customer Experience Management in Latin America and the Caribbean, Forecast to 2029
Highly Complex Services Bring Opportunities for Differentiation
During the forecast period (2024-2029), the customer experience management (CXM) market in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will expand, mainly due to 2 factors: 1) the growing recognition of CX as a potent tool for competitive advantage and 2) the increasing motivation among businesses to outsource their CX activities. This market is poise...
$8,000.00 -
08 Mar 2024  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Metaverse in Asia
Growth Opportunities and Strategies
Frost & Sullivan defines metaverse as a network of persistent 3D worlds and simulations where end users possess a sense of social presence and spatial awareness and can participate in an extensive virtual economy. The central concept of the metaverse is straightforward but intriguing: a persistent 3D world where an infinite number of people can int...
$2,450.00 -
24 Jan 2024  |  Latin America  |  Market Research
Global Customer Experience (CX) Outsourcing Services Growth Opportunities
Tailored Customer Experiences Bring New Opportunities for Differentiation
The global CX outsourcing services market is expected to expand throughout the forecast period due to the growing recognition of CX as a key competitive differentiator and compelling incentives for businesses to outsource their CX activities. The market is poised to experience moderate disruption due to the emergence of generative AI technology,...