Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 28 Oct 2024  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Customer Experience Management in Latin America and the Caribbean, Forecast to 2029

    Highly Complex Services Bring Opportunities for Differentiation

    During the forecast period (2024-2029), the customer experience management (CXM) market in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) will expand, mainly due to 2 factors: 1) the growing recognition of CX as a potent tool for competitive advantage and 2) the increasing motivation among businesses to outsource their CX activities. This market is poise...

  2. 24 Jan 2024  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Global Customer Experience (CX) Outsourcing Services Growth Opportunities

    Tailored Customer Experiences Bring New Opportunities for Differentiation

    The global CX outsourcing services market is expected to expand throughout the forecast period due to the growing recognition of CX as a key competitive differentiator and compelling incentives for businesses to outsource their CX activities. The market is poised to experience moderate disruption due to the emergence of generative AI technology,...

  3. 12 Nov 2015  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of Smart City Opportunities in Latin America

    Case Studies Indicate the Concept is Slowly Gaining Traction in the Region

    While many cities claim to be in the process of becoming smart cities, most of their initiatives center on green concepts only. The goal of a smart city is to solve major problems through modern management and greater interaction between citizens and institutions to achieve a better quality of life. Frost & Sullivan has identified 8 parameters that...

  4. 12 Jan 2015  |  Latin America  |  Market Research

    Brazilian Mobile Device Management Market

    Trends and Opportunities in the Brazilian MDM Market

    Due to high growth rates, the Brazilian MDM market has attracted the attention of companies that provide this service. The CAGR is expected to be 11.9% from 2014 to 2020 as MDM is a new trend that is mainly driven by BYOD and providers looking to secure new revenue sources. The objectives of this study are to provide an overview of the Brazilian...
