Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 29 Jul 2015  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the South African Contact Centre Market

    The Growing Opportunity for Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) Providers in South Africa's Contact Centre Market

    To be successfully employed in a contact centre in South Africa, an individual is expected to have a good command of the English language as well as advanced numeracy, technology, and customer service skills. However, skill shortages are a major challenge in the South African contact centre market. Also, a recent change in the requirements to recei...

  2. 19 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Overall Cloud Computing Market in South Africa and Kenya

    Market Set for Exponential Growth as Enterprises Move to Outsource Services

    This research analyses the cloud services in South Africa and Kenya. It provides an insight into the current and predicted future status of the cloud computing services and also the key market trends. The research focuses on the types of cloud computing services offered in both countries and the main participants in this space. While the South Afri...
