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  1. 09 Dec 2021  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Global Commercial Avionics Market, 2021

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines

    With the COVID-19 pandemic severely hampering demand for air travel, the global aircraft utilization rate has declined steeply. This utilization rate is highest for narrow-body aircraft followed by regional jets, wide-body aircraft, and turboprop aircraft, which signifies that air travel demand for short-haul routes is higher than for long-haul rou...

  2. 06 Sep 2021  |  Global  |  Frost Radar

    Frost Radar™: Global Airport Digitalization Market, 2020

    A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action - Innovation That Fuels Growth Pipelines

    The airport digitalization market is fragmented, with numerous start-ups and conglomerates offering IT solutions. Leading companies have distinguished their products and services by developing next-generation technological capabilities, bundling and upselling solutions, and creating cross-industry synergies. The competitive environment, however, is...

  3. 26 May 2021  |  Global  |  Market Outlook

    Global Commercial UAS Outlook, 2021

    Artificial Intelligence and Autonomous Platforms will Drive Adoption of Commercial Drones for a Growing Range of Applications

    The commercial unmanned aerial system (UAS) market continues to grow globally and was accelerated in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic response. Autonomy and artificial intelligence (AI) are, and will remain, the main drivers promoting commercial UAS adoption and associated market growth because autonomous flight reduces the need for expensive manp...
