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24 Dec 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
2020 Energy R&D Trends and Future Focus Areas of Global Research Institutes
Energy R&D Institutes Play a Vital Role in Accelerating the Low-Carbon Transition of Global Energy Sector
Global public R&D institutes have always been the main driver of innovation and technology domain in the energy sector. The importance of public R&D for energy sector is further highlighted by the need for accelerated commercialization of emerging technologies that have been identified as vital for deep decarbonization of the global energy sector b...
$4,950.00 -
21 Dec 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Technological Advancements in Solid State Batteries for Electric Vehicles
Game-Changing Solid-state Batteries Will Push the Future Electric Vehicles to the Next Level
Technological Advancements in Solid-state Batteries for EVs The trend of decarbonization of the global automotive sector has been the main factor driving the research on novel battery materials, owing to their prominence as a key enabling technology for the electrification of the transportation sector. Li-ion batteries have become synonymous to EV...
$4,950.00 -
24 Nov 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Power-to-X Technology Advancements and Techno-economic Perspective
Power-to-X Technology Delivers Energy Decarbonization Opportunities
Transition to a carbon-neutral energy economy requires a more environmentally-friendly energy carrier. Hydrogen and its multiple end-use applications play a huge role to contribute to decarbonization of major sectors of the economy. Power-to-X (P2X) is an interconnections concept between the different energy carriers, which promotes the integration...
$4,950.00 -
31 Aug 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Techno-economic Analysis and Application Mapping of Emerging Battery Technologies
Automotive and Energy Storage Applications Represent Key Growth Opportunity
Renewable energy sources have a major impact on the stability the power grid due to their randomness and intermittence in energy generating process. The widespread adoption of renewable energy and electric vehicles (EVs) requires the energy storage systems with enhanced energy and power densities, optimized efficiency, reduced cost, and possibility...
$4,950.00 -
26 Jun 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Disruptive Innovations in Production, Storage and Transportation of Hydrogen
Transition to a Sustainable Energy Economy Requires a Effective Hydrogen Storage Carrier
Transition to a sustainable energy economy requires an energy carrier, which may enable large transfers of carbon-neutral energy. Hydrogen is a clean energy carrier that can have a positive impact on the entire energy industry. However, hydrogen storage in large amounts is challenging. There are considerable challenges associated with achieving an ...
$4,950.00 -
01 Jun 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Technology Advancements in Energy Analytics Transforming Power Grids
Integration of Predictive Analytics, Machine Learning, and Internet-of-Things (IoT) will Enable Digitization of Power Grids
Ongoing transformation of digitisation of electricity grid has paved strong foundation for the integration of intelligent energy management technologies. Development of single source virtual platforms to increase consumer engagement toward ensuring energy optimization and sustainability have positively influenced the business outlook. Moreover, th...
$4,950.00 -
30 Mar 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Technologies Addressing Global Energy Trilemma
Diversifying Generation Portfolios in Conjunction with Effective Energy Management Solutions Can Drive Global Energy Transition
The rising population along with the rapid expansion of anthropogenic activities has infused concerns associated with the sustainability and optimization of natural resources worldwide. Perpetual increase in per capita energy consumption in conjunction with aging energy infrastructure has further added to the debate concerning the growth and future...
$4,950.00 -
30 Mar 2020  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Radical Innovations Transforming Upstream Oil & Gas Industry
Next-gen Technologies Driving the Holistic Transformation of the Upstream Oil & Gas Industry
Introduction of unconventional fuel systems including shale gas, bio-fuels along cut-throat geopolitical barriers including the Saudi-Russia oil price war has infused a volatile business scenario. The effect of these major disruptions has resulted in price volatility across the world. Besides, the introduction of the International Maritime Organiz...