Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 21 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African Electricity IndustryISMO and the Road to Reform

    The First Step Towards the End of Eskom's Monopoly

    Opening up the power generation sector to independent power producers is imperative as Eskom has shown some of its limits, such as severe funding shortfall, an extremely tight power system, and new-build projects being continuously delayed while power demand shoots. The dominant position of Eskom in power generation, transmission, and distribution ...

  2. 21 Nov 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The African Gas Turbine Market

    Redefining Africa's Power Generation Mix

    The energy and power systems (EPS) business unit within Frost & Sullivan constantly monitors global gas turbine markets. This research service provides a concise analysis of the current state of the African gas turbine market and focuses solely on large gas turbines with a power rating of 60 MW and above. This market analysis provides a concise ove...

  3. 11 Feb 2013  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The Future of Namibia and Energy

    Mining and Anticipated Oil and Gas Discoveries could Catalyse Industry and Economic Development

    The energy sector in Namibia is dominated by liquid fuel usage, imported electricity and local wood fuel supplies. Namibia's economic growth potential lies in the development of its mines and the discovery of oil and gas. This research service gives a comprehensive analysis of the current energy situation in Namibia as well as the country's future ...
