Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 16 Nov 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    African Infrastructure Tracker—South Africa

    Analysis of South Africa’s Key Infrastructure Projects

    South Africa is the southernmost country in the African continent, with a coastline of 2,954 km stretching along the South Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean in the south. It is a member of the Southern African Customs Union (SACU), the Southern African Development Community (SADC), and the Tripartite Free Trade Area (TFTA). This connectivity has ...

  2. 20 Sep 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Kenya and Tanzania Electricity Markets

    Addressing Opportunities in a Region with Growing Power Demand

    The electricity markets of Kenya and Tanzania are power scarce, with low electricity access and per capita consumption levels. Electricity demand here is set to increase significantly, driven by the economic upturn and increasing urbanisation. Kenya and Tanzania are focusing on utilising their natural gas and geothermal energy resources to meet the...

  3. 22 Jul 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    South Africa's LPG Market

    Analysis of Opportunities in the Industrial and Commercial Sectors

    South Africa is a middle-income, emerging market with abundant natural resources. Mining, mineral processing, and manufacturing are the main sectors driving industrial growth in the country. Globally, South Africa has one of the largest coal reserves; its use is limited to power generation and heating applications in industrial processes. The count...

  4. 21 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African Electricity IndustryISMO and the Road to Reform

    The First Step Towards the End of Eskom's Monopoly

    Opening up the power generation sector to independent power producers is imperative as Eskom has shown some of its limits, such as severe funding shortfall, an extremely tight power system, and new-build projects being continuously delayed while power demand shoots. The dominant position of Eskom in power generation, transmission, and distribution ...
