Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 13 Jul 2018  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    IPP, Licensing and Market Reforms in Sub-Saharan Africa’s Energy Landscape, 2018

    Growing Need for a Dynamic Energy Mix and the Demand for Private Investment will Create New Opportunities for Independent Power Producers

    The access to electricity in Africa is well below the global average, presenting a significant opportunity for the development of the energy supply industry, largely in the form of private sector investments in electricity generation. Many African governments are under immense pressure to improve the quality and reliability of electricity supplied ...

  2. 21 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African Electricity IndustryISMO and the Road to Reform

    The First Step Towards the End of Eskom's Monopoly

    Opening up the power generation sector to independent power producers is imperative as Eskom has shown some of its limits, such as severe funding shortfall, an extremely tight power system, and new-build projects being continuously delayed while power demand shoots. The dominant position of Eskom in power generation, transmission, and distribution ...
