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  1. 24 Nov 2022  |  Africa  |  Market Outlook

    South African Diesel Genset Industry, Outlook 2025

    Innovation, Integration, and Transition to Renewable Energy Sources Drive Future Growth Opportunities

    South Africa is arguably sub-Saharan Africa’s most developed economy and home to the region’s largest energy sector. However, the country’s chronic energy crisis, most evident from the frequent loadshedding, largely stems from the failure of the national power utility, Eskom, to provide reliable, constant power supply due to its ailing coal-p...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  2. 21 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    The South African Electricity IndustryISMO and the Road to Reform

    The First Step Towards the End of Eskom's Monopoly

    Opening up the power generation sector to independent power producers is imperative as Eskom has shown some of its limits, such as severe funding shortfall, an extremely tight power system, and new-build projects being continuously delayed while power demand shoots. The dominant position of Eskom in power generation, transmission, and distribution ...


    Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %