Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 24 Aug 2020  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Indian SD-WAN Market, Forecast to 2024

    The Rise of SD-WAN Serves as a Catalyst for Effective Network Transformation in India

    Digital transformation has already become imperative for enterprises to gain a competitive edge. Enterprises, ahead in the digital transformation curve, are driving business transformation and innovation through the adoption of digital technologies such as cloud computing, Internet of Things, mobility, and analytics. Data traffic is increasing rapi...


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  2. 23 Dec 2019  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Indian Unified Communications (UC) Applications and Services Market, Forecast to 2023

    Subscription-based Flexible Pricing Plans and Declining Prices are Expected to Become the Norm

    Global businesses, both large and small, are in the process of rapid transformation; they want to become tech-savvy as they have realized the importance of having technology-backed processes at the workplace. One area that organizations are looking to enhance in their existing IT infrastructure is business communication. Communication continues to ...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  3. 30 Apr 2019  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Impact of RJio on the Indian Enterprise Telecom Market, 2018

    RJio will be a Game Changer and will Cause the Next Wave of Disruption in the Market

    The Indian enterprise telecom market is seeing a paradigm shift from a commodity-oriented model to a service-oriented one, and this is happening across all services. The need of the hour is a cohesive value proposition that will tie telecom needs together with the desired business outcome and the growth mandate. Large enterprises are making signifi...


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  4. 21 Feb 2019  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Regulatory Changes in the South African Telecommunications Sector, 2018

    Appropriate Communications Regulations Framework is Central to the Development of the Communications Sector

    The study provides detailed information regarding key regulations framework shaping the telecommunications sector in South Africa. The study discusses the regulatory framework that looks into the radio spectrum, digital migration, and price regulation into detail. Furthermore, an overview of technology evolution and competitive landscape are also p...


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  5. 12 Oct 2018  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Saudi Arabia Telecom Market, Forecast to 2022

    ICT Services Offerings and Digital Infrastructural Investments Central to Developing a Sustainable Business Model

    This research service provides an analysis of the telecommunications market in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The stakeholder scope includes mobile network operators (MNOs), fixed line operators and Internet Services Providers (ISPs). This study details the key telecom market indicators; telecom market developments in terms of technology, serv...


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  6. 19 Sep 2018  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Indian Unified Communications (UC) Applications and Services Market, Forecast to 2022

    A Wave of Consolidation is Seen Across UC Vendors and Services Providers, Thereby Making the Market a Playground Only for the Best

    With ongoing advancements in technologies, the world is growing to become a connected place and communication is increasingly becoming “the most” important ingredient for building a connected world. Organizations worldwide are embracing better communication technologies so as to improve their employee productivity and also enable their workforc...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  7. 25 Oct 2017  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Sub-Saharan Africa Mobile Money Remittances Market, Forecast to 2021

    Remittances to become the Fastest Growth Application for Mobile Network Operator-led Mobile Money Wallets

    Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is witnessing a surge migration within the region and to other parts of the world such as North America and Europe. As a continent, Africa had a net migration population of over 11 million in 2015, predominantly economic migration. • This has been instrumental in the growing volume of international remittances flowing int...


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  8. 26 Apr 2017  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    SMAC and its significance to the Indian markets

    SMAC is total integration of Social, Mobile, Analytics, Cloud technologies in the idea of supporting the new business models. SMAC is a disruptive technology and a platform. The SMAC has originated in India about 2 years ago and there is huge opportunity for IT- BPM companies. With advent of SMAC, Indian Software Industry’s export is expected t...


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  9. 06 Apr 2017  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Sub-Saharan Africa Mobile Telecom Infrastructure Market, Forecast to 2021

    A Growing Opportunity to Improve Network Coverage through Mobile Infrastructure Outsourcing and Sharing by Operators

    • As one of the least connected regions in the world, Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) continued growth in the number of mobile towers is expected. This growth is likely to be driven by third-party tower companies (towercos). • The towercos are offering a range of tower outsourcing solutions, which ranges the outright selling of towers in sale-lease-b...


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  10. 21 Dec 2016  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Optic Fiber Communication Networks (OFC) in India—Opportunities for Cable Multiple System Operators (MSOs), Forecast till 2020

    Regulation and Policy Challenges Linger, but Digital India and Digitization of TV Services Boost the Growth of the OFC Market in India

    In India, the trends of increasing smartphone users, OTT video adoption and increased data usage has resulted in telecom operators to improve networks to provide uninterrupted quality of service. Digital India goals and projects like Bharat Net have begun to consider technologies such as optic fibre networks and 4G to provide proper networks to mat...


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