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04 Sep 2012  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Evolving Technology Trends and its Adoption in Indian Data Services Market
Future of Ethernet and MPLS Technologies
Domestic MPLS is expected to drive the volume growth of enterprise data service market in India. The growth will be driven by the new demand for multipoint connectivity, upgradation of existing links, migration from DLC, and convergence. Internet continues to grow at a steady rate driven by new demand from SMBs, whereas VSAT growth is driven ...
Special Price $5,212.50 save 25 %
28 Jun 2012  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Commercial Satellite Imaging Market
The Global Market for the View From Way Above
The market is driven by retail sales of geospatial imaging from companies like Google and its Google Imaging service; which although free, accounts for significant advertising revenue for the company. Other major users of satellite imaging data include: enterprises, civil engineers, and private end users. While only a handful of companies own a...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
11 May 2012  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Satellite Transponder Market
Limited Orbital Slots, Strong Demand, and Ka-Band Goes Global
This study focuses on the 292 commercial communications satellites in current operation that have transponders in C-Band, Ku-Band, and Ka-Band. Satellite operators have announced plans to launch more than 90 new satellites over the next five years. Because the majority of new satellite launches will be to replace retiring satellites, the number ...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %