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18 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Analysis of the Global Web Conferencing Market
Collaboration Convergence and Mobile-first Focus Leadto New Market Synergies
The global web conferencing market is being transformed by the ongoing evolution of the workplace. A renewed focus on application convergence and strong mobile-first initiatives are resulting in groundbreaking technology shifts that are empowering users with greater productivity benefits than ever before. The move from audio-only meetings to web an...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
01 Oct 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
European Retail Carrier Ethernet Services Market
Growing Demand for Enterprise Connectivity Will Drive the Growth for Ethernet Services
The retail Ethernet services market refers to the provision of Ethernet for enterprises or business use. A moderate growth is expected in this market, driven by the increasing need for enterprise connectivity to access new applications such as cloud or conferencing services, as well as to connect to offices located across cities globally. While Wes...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
18 Sep 2014  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research
Iraq Telecom Market Analysis
Rising Opportunities in Mobile Infrastructure
Telecom services is rising in Iraq through three telecom operators: Zain Iraq, Asia Cell and Korek Telecom. Zain caters to nearly 50% of telecom subscribers; Asia Cell, 32%; Korek, 18%. The Iraqi telecom industry is still in the 2G era; 3G services are to be launched through auctions in Q2, 2014. Political instability and lack of government support...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
18 Jul 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Enterprise Communications Platforms and Endpoints Market
Changing Investment Priorities Pause Demand for Enterprise Communications Infrastructure and Devices
This strategic analysis is part of Frost & Sullivans continued coverage of the global enterprise communications platform and endpoint market as well as the broader, overall enterprise communications marketplace. Within this Excel-based deliverable, Frost & Sullivan will provide extensive data analysis of the various types of enterprise communicati...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
29 Apr 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Analysis of the Global Web Event Services Market
A Fragmented Market Poised for Growth
The global web events market is experiencing significant shifts with the emergence of self-service solutions and a greater focus on mobile and social webcasting. An increasing number of enterprises are using webinars and webcasts as business-critical communication tools. User demand is triggered by travel and time savings, the ongoing workplace tra...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
17 Apr 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Satellite Transponder Market
Ku- and Ka-band Demand Drives Growth
This study covers the satellite transponder market, also known as the fixed satellite services market, operating in 3 frequency bands: C, Ku, and Ka. Transponders are measured by number of transponders, revenue, and average price. Ka-band is currently at the forefront of market growth, with Ku- and C-band offering the widest coverage/install base ...
Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %