Industries Market Research Reports
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05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Cisco and Ericsson Partnership Combats Alcatel-Lucent and Nokia Merger
Tremors to be Felt across Industry Cisco and Ericsson Aim to Generate More than $1 Billion in New Revenue for Each Company by 2018
Cisco and Ericsson formed a partnership in 2015 as a decisive countermeasure to the significant threat posed by the merger of services giant Alcatel-Lucent with equipment vendor Nokia. Through this unique partnership, the two companies also aim to capture the immense revenue potential offered by service providers aggressively modernizing their bro...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
CDN Services - Methodologies for Content Owners to Quantify Value
One-size-fits-all Legacy Approach to CDNs is Outdated, Companies Seek Novel Solutions to Stay Ahead
Following the growth in the sophistication of mobile applications, many congestion points have been identified. This in turn has given rise to several specialized solutions to resolve these congestion points. The primary solution for working around Internet congestion and slowdowns has long been the edge delivery and caching provided by content del...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Mobile Content Acceleration Services, 2016
Tremendous Potential for Mobile Delivery Networks, Reflected in Kwicr's Success Story
The demand for protocol manipulation technologies that impact the quality of delivery for streaming content is increasing. However, mobile broadband performance is a problem, as poor quality delivery is the key reason consumers give up on apps and streaming content. To address this issue, Kwicr launched its mobile delivery network to manage mobile ...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Disruption of Live Broadcasting Markets - Ustream’s SD-CDN
Set to be a Game Changer, Ustream's SD-CDN could Emerge as Bandwidth Exchange for Live Broadcasters
Ustream has developed a reputation for its ability to host some of the world’s largest streaming events via its HD broadcast video platform. In 2015, Ustream created a unique solution that is the result of seven years of development—a technology called Software-defined CDN or SD-CDN. If Ustream takes what it has built and offers it as a stand-...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Content Delivery Efficiency - Analysis of Limelight and SmartPurge
SmartPurge Represents Major Leap Forward, Meets Virtually Every Customer Need in Terms of CDN Cache Management
In recent years, content owners have not only become smarter about delivering digital content but they have also learned to develop workflow processes and integrated systems designed to publish, manage, and deliver digital content. From Websites, to software downloads and games, these workflows have become the backbone of how organizations deliver...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Convergence of Video Publishers and Data-driven Approaches
Failure of Most Video Publishers and Content Owners to Effectively Engage Audiences Results in Poor ROI
In the eCommerce space, Amazon has long utilized advances in machine learning and data science to become a prime example of customer relationship management and obtaining the most ROI. Publishers should learn from the eCommerce market and bring the data-driven approach of one-to-one marketing to video programming. By utilizing the best practices of...
$1,500.00 -
05 Feb 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research
Enterprise Cloud Networking Vendor Strategies
Future to be Shaped by Tussle between Internet-based Content Delivery Network (CDN) Vendors and Incumbent Cloud Networking Providers
Due to the substantial growth prospects within the content delivery industry, CDN providers are continuously looking at opportunities to broaden market boundaries and offer new and unique value propositions to their customers. One of the interesting ways in which some providers have diversified recently is by looking to get behind the firewall for ...
$1,500.00 -
27 Mar 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research
Software and Cloud Reshape the Video Transcoding Market
There has been a significant shift in the M&E space that was once very much hardware-centric, and where even software has only recently gained widespread market trust. While cloud-based transcoding has traditionally been the domain of smaller start-ups and focused on lower value media such as user generated content, the past two years have seen a s...
$1,500.00 -
27 Mar 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research
Web App Acceleration a Key Requirement for SaaS Providers
Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) offers a tangible value proposition to global businesses. The benefits include lower Total Cost of Ownership, cost savings, flexibility, ease of access, and relief from maintenance and upgrade hassles. However, companies struggle with many challenges when migrating from an on-premise application to SaaS-based deployment...
$1,500.00 -
27 Mar 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research
Performance Monitoring Market Heating Up: Cedexis Leading The Pack
The performance monitoring market evolved rapidly in the last few years when application monitoring, which was traditionally focused on data centers, moved to the cloud. Furthermore, new pricing models are commoditizing traditional services in favor of more valuable services. In addition, RUM (Real End-user Measurements) has come to the forefront a...