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20 Dec 2022  |  Europe  |  Market Research
European Metaverse(s)?
The Issues, Concerns, and Opportunities that make Europe Unique
In this research piece, we look at the potential of the metaverse globally and, in particular, the impact on European businesses. The report uses Frost & Sullivan’s working definition for the metaverse and considers what the metaverse is, what it is not, and what it can create. The metaverse will be the next iteration of the internet (Web 3.0), a...
$2,450.00 -
26 Jul 2018  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Overview of Television Broadcast, Pay TV and Video-on-Demand Landscape in Germany
Free to Air Dominant in Germany; but Paid Services through Pay TV and OTT Video on Demand Gaining Traction
Germany is Europe’s economic and technology powerhouse and epitomizes the pulse of region. It is home to a few of the biggest media conglomerates. This insight provides an overview of the video landscape in Germany with key indicators such as total population, households, penetration of TV, broadband, mobile phones and broadband, satellite TV, ca...