Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 16 Dec 2022  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Residential Heat Pump Growth Opportunities

    Technology Strategies Push Heat Pumps to Play a Significant Role in Decarbonizing Heat

    The heat pump industry is now revolutionizing in terms of market uptake and initiatives toward grid decarbonization and wean away from Russian gas imports. Social and policy innovation will boost demand in the UK, Germany, and Ireland; high demand will be seen in France, Italy, and the Nordics and moderately high demand in Benelux, Austria, and Pol...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %

  2. 17 Aug 2016  |  North America  |  Market Research

    US Standby Generators Market Analysis

    An Executive Analysis of Key Regional Trends and Developments

    The driving force behind growth in the standby generators market is the increasing energy demand, which brings investments in all industry segments, advancements in technology, and enhances margins. This market insight evaluates current issues along with revenue forecasts and key regional trends that are expected to impact North American Electricit...


    Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %