Industries Market Research Reports
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23 May 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research
Non-Revenue Water in Sub-Saharan Africa
Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities for Reduction of Non-Revenue Water
Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind most regions in the world in the availability, accessibility, and management of water. A key challenge for water utilities here is the high water losses in the water reticulation network. These are physical water losses due to leakages as well as apparent losses due to water theft and improper metering. Together, thes...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
29 Mar 2016  |  Global  |  Market Outlook
Global Water and Wastewater Market Outlook, 2016
Amidst Tightening Water Budgets, Growth to be Moulded by Sustainability Imperatives
This research service provides a detailed account of the global water and wastewater sector’s transformation in 2016. The global market comprises solutions, services, and utilities spanning both municipal and industrial users. An estimated $625 billion is expected to be spent in the treatment, transfer, and disposal of water and wastewater this y...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %