Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 23 May 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Non-Revenue Water in Sub-Saharan Africa

    Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities for Reduction of Non-Revenue Water

    Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind most regions in the world in the availability, accessibility, and management of water. A key challenge for water utilities here is the high water losses in the water reticulation network. These are physical water losses due to leakages as well as apparent losses due to water theft and improper metering. Together, thes...


    Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %

  2. 18 Dec 2013  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Analysis of the Global Smart Water Metering Market

    Market Success Requires Finely-tuned Regional Strategies

    Smart water metering shows great potential in the global market, but vendors must be aware of regional end-user needs to relate benefits. Levels of technological sophistication and data analysis work differently in various regions due to environmental, regulatory, and utility factors. When correctly priced and brought to market, there are strong dr...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %