Industries Market Research Reports
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19 Aug 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research
Overall Cloud Computing Market in South Africa and Kenya
Market Set for Exponential Growth as Enterprises Move to Outsource Services
This research analyses the cloud services in South Africa and Kenya. It provides an insight into the current and predicted future status of the cloud computing services and also the key market trends. The research focuses on the types of cloud computing services offered in both countries and the main participants in this space. While the South Afri...
$4,950.00 -
30 May 2014  |  North America  |  Customer Research
The Impact of Social Media on External Communications in the Corporate Environment
Uncovering Use Prevalence and Methods of Organizational Use
The primary aim of this research service is to gauge the use trends of social networking within a business context, specifically related to external communications. The study analyzes how social media is used to drive external client relations, measures the prevalence of social media engagement tool use, evaluates social media engagement tools, and...
$10,000.00 -
28 May 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research
The Effect of Social Media on Communications within the Corporate Environment
Uncovering Usage Prevalence and Methods of Organizational Implementation
The primary aim of this research is to gauge the usage trends of social networking within a business context, specifically related to internal and external communications. It covers drivers for social media use, prevalence of social media engagement, and management tool usage. Overall, 90% of respondents use social media for external communications...
$10,000.00 -
23 May 2014  |  North America  |  Customer Research
The Impact of Social Media on Internal Communications in the Corporate Environment
Uncovering Use Prevalence and Methods of Organizational Use
The primary aim of this research is to gauge the use trends of social networking within a business context, specifically related to internal communications. The study covers drivers for social media use, prevalence of engagement, and management tool use as well as factors used to determine social media. About 60% of companies use social media for i...