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  1. 24 Nov 2020  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Customer Experience Outsourcing Services Market in Southeast Asia Boosted by the Experience Economy

    The Need for Digital Technologies and Rightshoring Capabilities is Transforming the Industry

    The experience economy is forcing organizations around the world to rethink how they do business. They can no longer simply focus on selling goods or providing services at a single point in time. Todays digitally savvy consumers demand constant connection and memorable experiences through easy access to information, ongoing interactions with brands...


    Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %

  2. 29 Jan 2020  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Cisco Asia-Pacific, Japan, and China (APJC) Contact Center Analyst Day and Symposium, 2019

    Cisco Weaving Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technologies to Drive Contact Center Success

    Cisco Asia-Pacific, Japan, and China (APJC) Contact Center Analyst Day 2019 and Contact Center Symposium were held from 11 to 13 November in Sydney, Australia. The events brought together Cisco contact center executives, industry subject matter experts (SMEs), partners, and customers facilitating the conversation on the rising role of cloud in the ...


    Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %