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14 Aug 2019  |  North America  |  Market Outlook
Strategic Outlook of the Global Pumps Market, 2019
Revival of Oil and Gas, Coupled With Investment in Chemical and Water and Wastewater Industry Will Drive Growth and Focus on Energy Efficiency and Productivity for 2019
This research service covers the global opportunities in 2019 for pumps companies in the top 3 end-user industry segments (water and wastewater, food and beverages, and construction). It offers regional analysis of how economic factors will impact the market. Opportunities in all end-user industry applications for pump manufacturers are highlighted...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
02 Aug 2019  |  Global  |  Market Outlook
Global Compressor Industry Outlook, 2019
Energy Efficiency is the Mainstay of the Industry, Driving Growth Complemented with Gradual Revival of the Oil and Gas and Chemicals Industries
This study identifies, analyzes, and evaluates the existing and upcoming trends having an impact on the global compressors market. Amid uncertain economic conditions and revival of investments in key end-user industries such as oil and gas and chemicals, it seeks to provide insights into the growth prospects for compressor manufacturers for the yea...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %