Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 29 Mar 2012  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Executive Analysis of Global Electric Vehicle Forecast

    Global Electric Vehicle Market is expected to surge post 2014

    This study estimates the global market for electric vehicles sales through 2017. North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific are the regions covered in the report. This study includes detailed analysis on market size, target markets, vehicle models, vehicle segments, and vehicle manufacturers in each region. Vehicle manufacturers' hybrid and electric v...

  2. 02 Mar 2012  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Mexican Market for Engineering Polymers in the Automotive Industry

    Insights, Challenges, and Competitive Analysis

    The Mexican market for engineering polymers in the automotive industry has already recovered from the 2008 economic crisis and it is still growing thanks to new investments, traditional materials replacement, eco-friendly trends, performance improvement and new products development. This report covers the market's actual situation, its growth drive...

  3. 29 Dec 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of European and North American Automotive Human Machine Interface Market

    Voice Control Interface, Steering Wheel Controls, and Multifunctional Knobs

    This study strategically analyzes the European and North American market for Automotive Human Machine Interface. Key market drivers, restraints, market trends and technology trends are discussed. The study discusses market revenue and unit forecasts with pricing analysis of the HMI Interfaces including Voice Control Interface and Multifunctional Kn...

  4. 27 Dec 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of Plastics in the Electric Vehicles Market in Europe and North America

    Plastics to Steal Share from Metals in Minor Under-hood Components

    Strategic analysis of plastics in the electric vehicles market provides an in-depth analysis of the major plastic materials used in components of electric vehicles. Segments of the research service include thermal management systems, wire and cables, powertrains, and battery casings. In thermal management systems, liquid piping, air ducts, fans and...

  5. 23 Nov 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of the U.S. Next-Generation Sequencing Services Market

    A Convergence of Favorable Market Dynamics

    This research search analyzes the next-generation sequencing services market within the United Sates. The Next-Generation Sequencing Services Market includes all sequencing services conducted with next-generation or third-generation platforms, such as sequencing-by-synthesis and sequencing-by-ligation, that utilize newer technology than traditional...

  6. 17 Nov 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Evaluating the Impact of Smart Grid Implementation on the Connected Home Market


    The need to connect the devices in the home to the smart grid in order to increase control of those devices and improve energy efficiency are driving a merge between home technologies and smart grid deployment. This study evaluates the factors impacting such trend as well the benefits and barriers the industry is facing. An overview of related tech...

  7. 04 Nov 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Global Electric Vehicle Specification Database 2011 Edition

    This database aims to cover the vehicle specifications of key electric vehicle manufacturers in North America, Europe, and Asia Pacific. The electric vehicles which are built as a concept, under production or planned for production have been covered in the database. Production-specific (production location and vehicle platform), performance-specifi...

  8. 01 Nov 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    An Analysis of Telehealth in the Pharmaceutical Industry


    This market insight provides an overview of the telehealth and pharmaceutical industry in North America. This piece defines the market space, assesses how telehealth in pharma fits into the Frost & Sullivan telehealth matrix, and discusses the market challenges. Also provided are market briefs on different aspects of pharma telehealth programs, com...

  9. 21 Oct 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Strategic Overview of the North American Microelectric Vehicles Market

    Emergence of the Medium-speed Vehicles Segment

    This study presents strategic overview of North American microelectric vehicles market. It introduces and analyses the low-speed vehicles (LSVs), an entirely new emerging class of medium-speed vehicles (MSVs) and A-segments comprising microelectric vehicles market. It also presents an overview of vehicle segmentation, OEMs, market size, roadmaps, r...

  10. 20 Sep 2011  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Integration of Intelligent Buildings with the Smart Grid


    Market pressures to improve energy efficiency are driving a merge between building technologies and information and communication technologies to develop intelligent buildings and smart grids. This study evaluates the factors impacting such trend and the benefits for an integrated network of energy consumers (buildings) with power suppliers (utilit...
