Industries Market Research Reports
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31 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Review of the Dairy, Egg, and Meat Product Market in Asia-Pacific
Rapid Market Insight Series
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
23 Dec 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Review of the Confectionery Product Market in the United States
Chocolate Confectionery to Drive Market Growth
Manufacturers use of healthier ingredients and easier access to emerging economies will have an effect on growth of the confectionery market in the United States. This research service analyzes key industry challenges and success factors, market drivers and restraints, and market size and forecast. It divides the market into three segments: chocol...
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
17 Nov 2014  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Technologies fuelling Fast Moving Consumer Health (FMCH) Opportunities (Technical Insights)
Analysis of recent developments in FMCH products
Technologies Fuelling Fast Moving Consumer Health (FMCH) Opportunities, focuses on the emerging trends and opportunities in the consumer health (food) industry worldwide. Frost & Sullivan has identified consumer behavior in the FMCG sector as being “fat to fit.” Coupled with the fact that consumers are more demanding than ever, this research wi...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
29 Oct 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Medical Foods Market
Asia-Pacific Region, With Huge Untapped Market Potential, Drives Growth
This research service provides an insight into the global medical foods market, with specific focus on the APAC region. Drivers, restraints, industry challenges, competitive landscape, and market trends are discussed. Estimates and forecasts for the global market are provided. The APAC market is also discussed in detail with estimates and market fo...
Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %
28 Oct 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research
Analysis of the Global Animal Feed Ingredients Market
Further Research into Overcoming Market Challenges will Spur Growth
The global animal feed ingredients market is expected to experience considerable growth over the forecast period. Growth is expected to be driven by a combination of increased awareness of the nutritional benefits associated with these ingredients and further research into overcoming market challenges. The animal feed industry continues to face the...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
14 Jul 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research
Global Omega-3 and Omega-6 Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Ingredients Market
Focus on the Impact of Microalgae Feedstock on the Supply and Demand for Omega-3 and Omega-6 Ingredients
This study covers the state of the global omega-3 ingredients market in terms of market size, growth, competitive environment, and the key challenges facing omega-3 ingredient suppliers in 2012 and 2013. Microalgae-based omega-3 ingredients are also examined in depth, and the market growth for each segment is forecasted. The base year is 2012 with ...
Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %
23 May 2014  |  Africa  |  Market Research
Overview of the Maize and Sugar Cane Markets in South Africa and Other Selected African Countries
African GM Crop Cultivation Remains Limited in the Short to Medium Terms
This market insight provides an overview of maize production and agro-processing in South Africa, Nigeria, Egypt, Ethiopia, and Tanzania, and sugar cane production and agro-processing in South Africa and Egypt. The current and potential expansion of genetically modified (GM) crops in Africa is also discussed, highlighting the challenges in its adop...
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
07 May 2014  |  North America  |  Market Research
Analysis of the US Vitamin and Mineral Ingredients Market
Changing Lifestyle Patterns Drive Demand for Vitamin and Mineral Ingredients
This study discusses the growth factors of vitamins and minerals as dietary supplements and fortified foods. Changing food habits, lack of physical activity, and an increase in sedentary jobs have accelerated the incidence of lifestyle-related complications such as obesity. In turn, a trend toward disease prevention has spurred demand for dietary s...
Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %
19 Mar 2014  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Review of the Confectionery Product Market in Europe
Eastern Europe to Support Market Growth
The study focuses on the European confectionery product market. This market insight reviews product, price, and promotional trends, and also provides company profiles of 3 significant industry participants. Finally, it discusses future expectations of market growth and analyses the key macro-trends affecting this growth trajectory. The base year is...
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
27 Feb 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Analysis of the Functional Beverages Market in Australia and New Zealand
Growing Demand for Healthy Variants Drivers Consumption
This research study analyzes Australia and New Zealand Functional Beverage market for the period 2009 to 2017. It identifies and describes key market drivers, restraints and challenges facing this mature-going market. It also includes in-depth market analysis, competitive landscape, industry mega trends, pricing strategy and distribution channels b...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %