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05 Jul 2013  |  Europe  |  Megatrends
New Mega Trends in the United Kingdom
Macro-to-micro Implications of Mega Trends to 2025 on Business, Society, and Personal Lives
In the future, 81% of the UK population will be living in urban areas. There will be 200 million connected devices, and 1 in 4 British citizens will shop online, representing the highest per capita number in the world. In addition, people over the age of 65 will represent 20% of the population and constitute one of the largest consumer groups with ...
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29 Jan 2013  |  Europe  |  Megatrends
Mega Trends in Turkey
Evolving Mega Trends to Transform Turkey into a Developed Economy
This research sets the stage for visionary thinking by identifying the most important Mega Trends in Turkey, potential scenarios of specific trends in 2025, and the implications of these Mega Trends in transforming society, markets, and cultures. It focuses on ten Mega Trends, as identified by Frost & Sullivan. It provides an understanding of impac...
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