Industries Market Research Reports
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21 Dec 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
More Industry Disruption by the Amazon Empire - AWS Outposts Plays Host to SD-WAN
A fierce competitive battle is raging at the Wide Area Network (WAN) edge, and this battle is far from over. The battleground is Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN), and the combatants are many. By applying application and network-aware algorithms to routing WAN traffic across multiple transport links, enterprises can more economically satisfy their grow...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
14 Nov 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Optimizing the On-Premises Data Center - Three Ways to Drive Infrastructure Transformation
For most businesses, the on-premises data center remains a critical component of their IT environment. However, those same businesses desire the efficiency and flexibility of the cloud model within their private environments. They therefore need to optimize infrastructure to enable the business to launch new applications and services, quickly, secu...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
10 Aug 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
2018 SD-WAN End User Survey Results: Deployment Rates Double, Superior WAN Performance a Key Driver, and MPLS Usage Remains Strong
Frost & Sullivan’s 2016 survey provided insights into the SD-WAN market as it was navigating through the early adopter stage. In the last two years, enterprise decision makers have equipped themselves with a much better understanding of the benefits that SD-WAN brings to enterprise WANs. SD-WAN vendors and managed SD-WAN providers alike report wi...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
26 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Okta: Rebuilding the Perimeter through Identity: How Integration and Security Make Businesses More Successful
The business approach of San Francisco-based Identity and Access Management solutions supplier, Okta, can be characterized in a single word: straightforward. Okta’s goal is to enable any organization to connect to any technology it needs in order to be successful. This report looks deeper into the Okta platform and the role it plays in helping ...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
18 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Adoption Trends in Managed Cloud Services: Opportunities Exist Across All Segments and Industries
In this report, Frost & Sullivan reviews adoption trends in managed cloud services, based on the most recent Frost & Sullivan Cloud User Survey. We look at which businesses are adopting managed services, as well as their expectations of their chosen providers. Results are presented by business size and industry, to determine differences in expectat...
Special Price $2,625.00 save 25 %
06 Apr 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Dynamic Cyber Defenses: A Fresh Approach to an Old Problem
Dynamic defenses interact directly with attackers. By dynamically intensifying attacker interactions, dynamic defenses confirm the attacker’s purpose, clarify the threat level of each attacker session, and pragmatically contain the attacker’s activities. Operating in real-time and individually with each attacker session, the interaction and con...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
25 Jan 2018  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Connected Home State of the Market: Barriers to Adoption
As new technologies enter the market, consumers are increasingly willing to consider a connected home as a possible living environment. This report examines the state of the connected home market, illuminates some of the barriers to growth, and considers some of the companies that are delivering solutions to transcend those barriers. The discussion...
Special Price $2,625.00 save 25 %
30 Dec 2015  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
2015 Big Data and Analytics Market Survey: Initial Observations
This report reveals the high level findings from Stratecast | Frost & Sullivans 2015 Big Data & Analytics Market Survey. It offers insight and encouragement to enterprises that have yet to embark on their BDA journey, and to the vendors of BDA solutions who continue to enhance their products and services in order to facilitate successful deploymen...
Special Price $3,750.00 save 25 %
30 Oct 2015  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Bots to the Future: The Emerging Market for Bot Management Solutions
The challenge of bot activity in business networks has only grown in 2015, leading to the imminent emergence of dedicated bot management solutions. This SPIE will review the challenges presented by bots, emerging solutions for bot management, and the potential market for bot management.
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
23 Oct 2015  |  North America  |  Strategic Forecasting
Predictive Analytics in the Real World
The field of predictive analytics is one of the most complex and challenging subsets of the Big Data and advanced analytic market. There is also a very wide gap between the practitioners of predictive analyticsmost of whom are statisticians, scientific researchers and data scientistsand the people who most want to use predictive analytics for com...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %