Industries Market Research Reports
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31 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Diesel Generator Set Market, Forecast to 2022
Grid Instability and Environmental Awareness Drive Double-digit Market Growth in the Short Term
Future energy trends are expected to be governed by both the level and pattern of economic activity along with global demographic changes. The positive economic outlook globally is a result of the pickup in global trade, investment, and industrial production. Advanced economies witnessed strong domestic demand and output growth in 2017, while emerg...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
31 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Airline Benchmarking, 2008–2017
Industry Experiencing an Extended Period of Growth and Profitability with Relatively Inexpensive Fuel Costs
Airlines are exploring new ways to increase their ancillary revenues and remain profitable. Analytics and digital programs that optimize inefficiencies are increasingly being trailed and implemented to attract customers and improve KPIs.--BEGIN PROMO--
Research Scope
This research service focuses on the competitive profil...
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
31 Dec 2018  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research
Strategic Analysis of the Pakistan Automotive Market, Forecast to 2025
With An Expected Growth Rate of 7.2%, The Industry is Ripe for New Opportunities, Backed by a New Automotive Policy and Political Stability
The economies in developed countries have either stabilized or declined over the past few years. As a result, automotive companies are struggling to grow their sales in these markets. End-customers are either continuing to use their existing vehicles or are looking at alternative modes of transport. To sustain growth, automotive OEMs are continuous...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
31 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Digital Freight Brokerage Market Opportunities, Forecast to 2025
With Venture Capitalist Funding Stoking Digital Brokerage Solutions That Improve Trucking Efficiency by Minimizing Empty Miles, Truck Brokerage Digitization to Grow at CAGR 33.6% Between 2017–2025
Empty miles account for about 40-30% of all trips made by commercial trucks globally. This translates to fuel waste, non-productive emissions, wasted driver hours, inflated operational costs as well as unnecessary road congestion. Empty miles are primarily on account of empty-back hauls due to the inherent opacity and slowness of the traditional ro...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
28 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Truck-as-a-Service Market, Forecast to 2025
Digitalization of Truck Services to Create $79.42 Billion Opportunity by 2025
The confluence of technologies in the trucking industry is providing a platform for various stakeholders to build service and solution-based revenue models. As commercial trucks increasingly integrate telematics devices, a plethora of services beyond tracking, from prognostics to asset management to driver behavior management, are being enabled. Th...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
27 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Farm Equipment Telematics Market, Forecast to 2023
OEMs Lead the Total Market; Asia-Pacific is to Dominate the Farm Equipment Market Growing at a CAGR of 19%
This study offers strategic analysis of the nascent market for the global farm equipment and global farm equipment telematics market in global geographies. It provides an overview of market trends, growth prospects, and key sectors for growth. It includes a market structure and outlook, market potential and opportunity analysis for the global farm ...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
21 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Quantum Computing—Game-changing Vertical Market Implications, 2018
Potential Applications for the Use of Quantum Computers Across Various Verticals
Since the development of one of the first theoretical frameworks for a quantum computer in the early 1980s, scientists have been working on achieving ‘Quantum Supremacy’. This state will be achieved by the design and construction of a quantum computer capable of solving problems that cannot be realistically solved by the most powerful classic s...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
21 Dec 2018  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research
Indian Cloud Services Market Outlook, Forecast to 2023
Businesses Consider Cloud Infrastructure a Core Component of their Business and are Exploring Different Cloud Solutions and Services, Fueling Market Growth
Cloud services have evolved to become the backbone of IT infrastructure, cutting across all segments of the industry, from large to small enterprises. Companies today are adopting different types of cloud offerings, including infrastructure hosting, SaaS offerings, productivity suites, and database hosting. They implement cloud technologies to sim...
Special Price $1,125.00 save 25 %
19 Dec 2018  |  Global  |  Market Research
Analysis of Global Silicone Market, Forecast to 2024
Demand from Asia Anticipated to Drive Global Growth
This research service analyzes the global silicone market. The main segments covered by product form are elastomers, fluids, resins, and gels & other products. In terms of end-user applications the market has been fragmented into transportation, construction, electronics, medical, personal care & consumer goods, special systems, energy, and industr...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
18 Dec 2018  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research
Strategic Analysis of the Indian Western Dedicated Rail Freight Corridor and Its Impact on Indian Logistics, 2017–2041
Freight Flows in India to be Revolutionised With Modern Facilities and State-of-the-art Equipment
With the construction of the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC), India would explore new opportunities along the corridor to best utilise its capacity and efficiency in the transportation of freight. Indian cold chain logistics will benefit from this due to the demand for fresh produce to be conveniently delivered to end users at their door ...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %