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24 Feb 2020  |  Latin America  |  Market Outlook
Latin American Passenger Vehicle (PV) Market Outlook, 2020
The Regional Market is Expected to Grow by 5.5% in 2020, Reaching 6.1 Million Units
In 2019, the Latin American economies faced several challenges, including generalized social unrest, economic crises in some countries, and political instability, all of which had a certain impact on local light vehicle (LV) markets. From 6.1 million units commercialized in 2018, the market fell by 5.0% to merely 5.8 million units in 2019, far from...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
28 Mar 2019  |  Latin America  |  Market Outlook
Latin America Passenger Vehicle Market Outlook, 2019
The Market will Keep Growing, Mainly Pushed by Brazil, Reaching 5.72 Million Units, with a 4.3% Growth from 2018
The present study analyzes the Latin American automotive market growth forecast for 2019, which is expected to be around 5.72 million units to be commercialized in the region, representing a 4.3% growth from previous year’s sales volumes. The study focuses in analyzing country-specific market performances and dynamics for the period 2017-2019, wi...
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