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15 Dec 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Asia-Pacific Business Process Management Services, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
Business process management (BPM), or business process outsourcing (BPO), services involve an external or third-party provider handling the execution and management of one or more business operations or functions for an organization. Traditionally, BPM services were limited to outsourcing labor-intensive back-office and support services functions. ...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
16 Nov 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Asia-Pacific Customer Experience Outsourcing Services, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
An excellent customer experience (CX) is strategic to every organization’s sustained business growth and is overtaking product and pricing as a key brand differentiator. Customers view positive experiences based on highly personalized, relevant, proactive, and engaging interactions. These interactions have become even more relevant during the COV...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
27 Oct 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™ for Economic Development: Broader Asia, 2021
Australia, South Korea, and New Zealand Emerge as the Broader Asian Leaders
The Frost Radar™ for Economic Development determines a region's future growth and development potential measured by its ability to enhance citizen satisfaction of quality of life. This report explores Broader Asia’s strengths and weaknesses through country-level assessments of growth and innovation initiatives and benchmarks each country on the...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
21 Oct 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Australia Customer Experience Outsourcing Services, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action - Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
An excellent customer experience is strategic to every organization’s sustained business growth and is overtaking product and pricing as a key brand differentiator. In the connected digital era, customers’ expectations are changing: they are demanding engaging experiences, personalization, and proactive services. These became even more relevant...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
30 Sep 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Asia-Pacific Secure Web Gateway Market, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
Secure web gateway (SWG) vendors had a big year in 2020. The largest and most sophisticated of them pro-actively enhanced their portfolios with a range of new features and capabilities, most notably isolation technology, cloud access security broker (CASB), and data loss prevention (DLP). The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted the work e...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
30 Sep 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Asia-Pacific Secure Web Gateway Market, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
Secure web gateway (SWG) vendors had a big year in 2020. The largest and most sophisticated of them pro-actively enhanced their portfolios with a range of new features and capabilities, most notably isolation technology, cloud access security broker (CASB), and data loss prevention (DLP). The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically shifted the work e...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
16 Jul 2021  |  Asia Pacific  |  Frost Radar
Frost Radar™: Asia-Pacific Managed SD-WAN Services Market, 2021
A Benchmarking System to Spark Companies to Action—Innovation that Fuels New Deal Flow and Growth Pipelines
The Asia-Pacific (APAC) managed software defined-wide area network (SD-WAN) services market is in the early growth phase of the product life cycle, but in the last few years connectivity and broadband speeds have seen major improvement across the region. In turn, businesses are increasingly moving towards hybrid clouds and want to deploy SD-WAN. Th...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %