Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 25 Apr 2024  |  North America  |  Market Research

    North America Wood Coatings Growth Opportunities

    Sustainable Formulations will be a Transformative Megatrend, Driving Research & Development Initiatives

    The North American wood coatings industry is experiencing a significant boost, driven by the growth of the construction sector. With rising environmental concerns, sustainable formulations and efficient application techniques are the key trends that will influence the North American wood coatings industry in the coming years. There is also an incre...

  2. 18 Dec 2023  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Growth Opportunities in the Global Climate Tech Market

    Company Profiles for 100 Leading Climate Tech Solutions and Portfolios

    The acute impact of climate change due to growing GHG emissions highlights the need for the technologies that can reduce said emissions while preparing the world s population for a scenario in which international targets are not achieved. While mitigation technologies seek to reduce or offset GHG emissions, adaptation technologies prepare communiti...

  3. 29 Sep 2023  |  North America  |  Market Research

    Generative Artificial Intelligence Growth Opportunities in the Healthcare and Life Science Industry

    Possibilities Exist to Adapt Large Language Models and Reinvent Enterprise Functions

    This project provides an overview of the effects of generative AI (Gen AI) on the healthcare and life science industry and numerous growth opportunities, including how it could overcome regulatory and cybersecurity obstacles, address the build-borrow-buy conundrum, and impact the value chain of pharmaceutical companies, medical device developers, p...
