Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. Analysis of the Asia Pacific Enterprise Telephony Endpoints Markets study offers an analysis of the endpoints market. It analyses the market trends, of IP deskphones phones softphones, Rich Media Phones, SIP phones and Digital phones only. This research is based on Frost & Sullivan's proprietary T.E.A.M. methodology, ensures that clients have comp...


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  2. 31 May 2006  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    Strategic Analysis of Asia-Pacific Enterprise Telephony Markets - CY2005

    This study analyzes the Asia Pacific enterprise telephony markets for the year 2005. Factors driving and restraining the Asia-Pacific markets are ranked according to their order of importance.The market is segmented into the PBX, KTS, WPBX and IP-PBX markets for all the regions. Revenue forecasts and vendor market shares are given for all the segme...


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