Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. Consumer research study focussing on European Attitudes and Perceptions towards Sustainability, Environment and Alternate Powertrains. Sample of 2,648 consumers across Europe. The research study involved consumers 17 years and above with a good mix of both genders owning different vehicle segment cars.


    Special Price $33,750.00 save 25 %

  2. 26 Mar 2008  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Health Wellness and Wellbeing in Cars: The Voice of the Consumer

    Consumer research study focussing on European consumer perceptions, attitudes and willingness to pay for health wellness and wellbeing in cars. Sample of 3,000 consumers across Europe


    Special Price $34,200.00 save 25 %

  3. This study provides a detailed analysis of customer attributes and perceptions towards driveability, chassis technologies and features in Europe. Countries include U.K., Italy, Spain, France and Germany. An analysis of customer attitudes and willingness to pay more for chassis technologies and features has been carried out in this study. This study...


    Special Price $33,828.75 save 25 %