Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 11 Jul 2019  |  North America  |  Tracker

    Consumer Communication Services Trackers—Q2 2018 to Q4 2018

    Subscriber, Revenue, Net Add (loss), Projection, and Market Share Tracker for Broadband, Video, Voice and Wireless Services

    The Consumer Communication Services tracker for 2019 quarter one provides detailed information for several companies in the consumer communication services market for United States and Canada. The aggregated data—delivered by country, technology, and company—includes subscriber, revenue, net add (loss), projection, and market share. The complie...


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  2. 30 Apr 2019  |  South Asia, Middle East & North Africa  |  Market Research

    Impact of RJio on the Indian Enterprise Telecom Market, 2018

    RJio will be a Game Changer and will Cause the Next Wave of Disruption in the Market

    The Indian enterprise telecom market is seeing a paradigm shift from a commodity-oriented model to a service-oriented one, and this is happening across all services. The need of the hour is a cohesive value proposition that will tie telecom needs together with the desired business outcome and the growth mandate. Large enterprises are making signifi...


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  3. 21 Feb 2019  |  Africa  |  Market Research

    Regulatory Changes in the South African Telecommunications Sector, 2018

    Appropriate Communications Regulations Framework is Central to the Development of the Communications Sector

    The study provides detailed information regarding key regulations framework shaping the telecommunications sector in South Africa. The study discusses the regulatory framework that looks into the radio spectrum, digital migration, and price regulation into detail. Furthermore, an overview of technology evolution and competitive landscape are also p...


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