Industries Market Research Reports

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  1. 18 Aug 2015  |  North America  |  Market Research

    US Specialty Chemicals: Roadmap to Win and Drive Customer Value

    Capacity Expansion Projects to Drive Strategic Alliances between Automation Vendors and Key Value chain Participants

    This market insight provides a concise overview of the US specialty chemicals market along with key insights into greenfield and brownfield projects announced in the short term (20142016). The report covers the market size for US specialty chemicals and provides a snapshot of the regional CAPEX investments and varying dynamics between basic and sp...


    Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %

  2. 06 May 2015  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Revisiting the European Smart Grid Demand Response (DR) Market

    Assessing Europe’s Preparedness for Transcending into the Smart Grid Age

    This research service analyses trends within the European smart grid DR market. It determines the challenges and opportunities for industrial and ICT vendors. This is a distinctively potent market, in which conditions are characterised by dominant manufacturers and innovative technology enablers within the various functional aspects of the power gr...


    Special Price $1,837.50 save 25 %