Bus Market Market Research Reports
23 Jan 2023  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Growth Opportunities in the Southeast Asian Commercial Bus Market
Transformative Electrification Likely to Further Disrupt the Region, Reaching 20.3% Share by 2027
Commercial buses are essential contributors to carrying large numbers of passengers and their belongings, operating within or between cities. Countries with large populations and vast geographies (e.g., Indonesia, the Philippines, Vietnam, Thailand) have significant demand for commercial buses in metropolitan areas (e.g., Jakarta, Bangkok) or ru...
$2,450.00 -
06 Nov 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Strategic Analysis of Light, Medium & Heavy Truck and Bus Sales in Select ASEAN Markets
Indonesia to reign as the largest CV market within the ASEAN region in 2020
This study presents an analysis of the ASEAN commercial vehicle (CV) market from 2013 to 2020. Using primary and secondary research, the study aims to forecast the trends of three key regional CV markets—Thailand, Indonesia, and Malaysia. The research service includes an assessment of the macro to micro implications of Mega Trends until 2025. It ...