C4ISR Market Research Reports

  1. 05 May 2023  |  North America  |  Market Research

    US DoD 2024 Budget Assessment and Growth Opportunities

    Balancing the Need for Replenishing Basic Weapons and Ammunition with Developing Next-generation Capabilities

    This research service focuses on the US Department of Defense (DoD) 2024 spending requests for the research, development, test, and evaluation; procurement; and operations and maintenance categories. The analyst has segmented the budget request by the military department and 20 technology areas, including aircraft; ships; ground vehicles; and comma...


    Special Price $2,082.50 save 15 %

  2. 24 Mar 2023  |  North America  |  Market Research

    US DoD Tactical Networks

    Leveraging the Cloud to Reach Edge Network Users

    This report focuses the US Department of Defense (DoD) tactical networks market activities and opportunities. Tactical networks are deployable and mobile information technology (IT) and radio networks used for battle management, weapons systems, and the command and control of military units. The study outlines the DoD’s efforts to introduce comme...


    Special Price $2,082.50 save 15 %

  3. 04 Sep 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Global Naval Shipbuilding Market, Forecast to 2026

    How to Convert New Procurement Programs and Upcoming Contracts into Opportunities as Global Powers Expand their Fleets

    Rising global tensions, territorial expansionism, rise of non-state actor-led conflicts, and the associated displacement of population have fueled the expansion of naval deployments. As many nations face vessel obsolescence in the next few years and others have to deploy new, advanced naval assets to counter rival fleet expansionism, the market is ...


    Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %