C4ISR Market Research Reports
28 Jul 2021  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Automotive Location-based Services Growth Opportunities
Growth Strategies of Location-based Services for Public Sector to Improve Government-resident Interaction and Address Residents’ Changing Needs
Cities are constantly expanding with a continuous increase in the number of residents, straining public sector agencies across the globe. Resident needs have increased making it increasingly difficult for public sector agencies to cater to these changing needs of public at large. In addition, global events, such as the pandemic, have further strain...
$2,450.00 -
04 Sep 2017  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Naval Shipbuilding Market, Forecast to 2026
How to Convert New Procurement Programs and Upcoming Contracts into Opportunities as Global Powers Expand their Fleets
Rising global tensions, territorial expansionism, rise of non-state actor-led conflicts, and the associated displacement of population have fueled the expansion of naval deployments. As many nations face vessel obsolescence in the next few years and others have to deploy new, advanced naval assets to counter rival fleet expansionism, the market is ...