eHealth Market Research Reports

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  1. 21 Nov 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    eHealth Initiatives Across Emerging Markets in APAC

    On the Fast Track to Healthcare Digitization—China, Indonesia, Malaysia, The Philippines and Thailand

    The study covers the eHealth initiatives across the emerging markets in Asia-Pacific. Government initiatives and incentives that encourage technology adoption in healthcare are key drivers for private sector investment in the Asia-Pacific eHealth industry. However, inadequate infrastructure and regulatory framework development have adversely affect...

  2. 20 Nov 2014  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research

    eHealth Initiatives Across Japan and South Korea

    Technological Advancements Need to be Accompanied by Progressive Policies

    Significant investment in health technology has helped improve the quality of healthcare services but has done little to reduce costs and make healthcare more accountable in the developed countries of Asia-Pacific. This insight explores future challenges that Japan and South Korea might face in terms of seamless healthcare integration.
