Environment Market Research Reports
The global Environmental industry is in the midst of an unprecedented evolution. With the expansion of sustainable practices, advancements in green technologies, and the growing use of environmental monitoring solutions, the market is shifting rapidly. Businesses must stay informed with the latest market research and insights to maintain a competitive edge and capitalize on new opportunities.
Frost & Sullivan’s market research reports, designed for the Environment sector, provide in-depth market forecasts, trend analyses, competitive benchmarking, and growth opportunity insights. Our reports are meticulously prepared by expert analysts and researchers, leveraging a comprehensive research methodology that combines primary and secondary data sources....
Key Topics Covered:
- Building Design & Construction:
- Digitalization: Global BIM (Building Information Modeling) and Digital Twin for Built Environment
- Sustainable Building Solutions: Global Building Technology and Service Business Model Innovation
- Global Homes and Buildings Industry Outlook (focus on 2024)
- Water & Wastewater Treatment:
- Market Opportunities: Global Membrane Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Market, Global Decentralized Packaged/Containerized Water and Wastewater Treatment Systems Market
- Technological Advancements: Growth Opportunities in Water Management Technologies (Recalcitrant Contaminants), Radical Innovation Transforming the Desalination Industry
- Regional Focus: APAC Water Outlook 2024
- Circular Economy & Resource Management:
- Sustainable Practices:
- Circular Economy in the Global Lighting Industry
- Global Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE) Reuse, Repair, and Recycling Market
- Industry-Specific Solutions:
- Growth Opportunities for Sustainability and Circular Economy in:
- Global Textile Industry
- Global Zero Liquid Discharge Market
- Global Aquaculture Industry
- Global Irrigation Systems Market
- Facility Management:
- Regional Growth: India's Facility Management Growth Opportunities, UK Facility Management Growth Opportunities
- Building Automation & Controls:
- HVAC Systems: Global HVAC Equipment Growth Opportunities, Global HVAC Controls Growth Opportunities
- Smart Building Technologies: Global Crowd Solutions in Buildings Growth Opportunities
- Sustainable Building Operations:
- Energy Efficiency: North America Energy Saving and Performance Contracting Growth Opportunities
- Waste Management: Thermo-Chemical Waste Treatment Technologies (Sustainable Fuel Generation)
- Data & Analytics: Growth Opportunities of Artificial Intelligence in the Built Environment (Customer Insights & Business Models)
- Other Relevant Areas:
- Indoor Agriculture: Technology Advances in Indoor Farming Systems
- Smart Lighting Solutions: Global Lighting Digital Service Growth Opportunities
- Sustainable Aquaculture: Growth Opportunities for Sustainability and the Circular Economy in the Global Aquaculture Industry
- ESG Reporting: Growth Opportunities in the Global ESG Climate Risk Platform and Reporting Industry
- Southeast Asia Market: Residential Air Conditioner Growth Opportunities in Southeast Asia.
For further information on Frost & Sullivan’s research or to speak to one of our team of growth experts about your company’s future growth needs please contact us.
23 May 2016  |  Africa  |  Market Research
Non-Revenue Water in Sub-Saharan Africa
Overview of the Challenges and Opportunities for Reduction of Non-Revenue Water
Sub-Saharan Africa lags behind most regions in the world in the availability, accessibility, and management of water. A key challenge for water utilities here is the high water losses in the water reticulation network. These are physical water losses due to leakages as well as apparent losses due to water theft and improper metering. Together, thes...
Special Price $2,250.00 save 25 %
07 Sep 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research
CEO 360 Degree Perspective on Global Water Utility Services Market
Water Utility Services Market Presents a $450 billion Opportunity that will Grow with the Adoption of Circular Economy
Water utility services are a priority market for governments and private operators. An estimated value of $450 billion was spent on its operations in 2014, driven by the need to build, renew, and improve water and sanitation infrastructure. Need for sustainability and for a circular economy trains focus on innovation and efficiency measures to be d...
Special Price $5,212.50 save 25 %
07 Sep 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research
Analysis of Global Desalination Market
Increasing Global Water Scarcity Owing to Rapid Industrialisation and Urbanisation Fuels Market Growth
The research service analyses the global desalination plant market. It provides the major drivers and restraints for setting up a desalination plant, the market revenue forecast till 2019, the key regions contributing to the market growth, and the technologies that are likely to be dominant during the forecast period. Based on current statistics, o...
Special Price $5,212.50 save 25 %
20 May 2014  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Residential and Light Commercial Water Treatment Equipment Market
Augmenting Health Wellness and Wellbeing Consciousness Boosts Market Growth
This research service provides key insights into market trends in the global residential and light commercial water treatment equipment market for the current (2013) market. In addition, it discusses in depth the industry challenges and important drivers and restraints impacting the global WTE market. Additional details on current scenarios, in ter...
Special Price $5,212.50 save 25 %
19 Nov 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Ballast Water Treatment Systems Market
Progressive Events Towards IMO Ratification will Unify Market Structure and Augment Market Prospects
This research service on the global ballast water treatment systems market highlights the market trends, drivers and restraints, competitive dynamics, addressable market size, and forecasts for this unorganised market until 2023. Having a base year of 2013, the study throws light on the IMO Convention scenario and prospective opportunities for equi...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %
13 Jun 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Water and Wastewater Filtration Systems Market
Installed Base of Media Filtration and Membrane Pre-filtration Requirements Fuel Market Growth
This research service gives key insights on market trends in the global water and wastewater filtration systems market for the current (2012) market, speaking in depth on the industry challenges and important drivers and restraints impacting the global market. Additional details on current scenarios in terms of specific filter media preferences acr...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %
17 Apr 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Water and Wastewater Disinfection Systems Market
Mounting Pressure on Water Demand Calls for Cost and Energy Efficient Disinfection Solutions
The research service gives extensive information on key market trends in the global water and wastewater disinfection systems market, highlighting on important drivers and restraints, with additional details on current scenarios in terms of specific technologies, sectors, and applications. Key insights on major market participants and their presenc...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %
11 Jan 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) Market
Soaring Demand in Developing Markets Fuels Growth Momentum
The global membrane MBR market was worth $838.2 million in 2011 and is expected to witness positive growth and revenue sales through 2018. This does, however, mask important trends. While Europe and North America have been the traditional markets for MBR sales, it is Asia Pacific and the Middle East that are anticipated to be the leading markets in...
Special Price $2,962.50 save 25 %