Location based Services (LBS) Market Research Market Research Reports
24 Jun 2010  |  North America  |  Market Research
2010 North American Consumer Location-based Services (LBS) Market: The Wireless Carrier Opportunity
The Consumer LBS sector has experienced tremendous change during the past 18 months, introducing the North American wireless carriers to significantly increased competition from smartphone application storefronts and attractively priced offers. This study examines current wireless carrier participation, vulnerabilities, and advantages. It also di...
$4,950.00 -
20 Jan 2009  |  North America  |  Market Research
2008 North America Consumer Location-based Services (LBS) Market - The Wireless Carrier Opportunity
Mobile phone-based Consumer Location-Based Services are poised for a period of impressive growth, as carriers are increasingly identifying opportunities to integrate location-aware capabilities into their existing and new mobile data applications. However, while LBS portfolios and adoption are expanding, industry stakeholders are still sorting out...
$4,950.00 -
22 Sep 2008  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Asia Pacific Location Based Services Highlights
This study examines the trends, challenges and opportunities for mobile industry development within the location based services markets of Asia Pacific. The markets in Asia Pacific in this study encompass thirteen markets. An in-depth study of the drivers and restraints, as well as the influences of various industry participants and indicators of m...
$10,000.00 -
18 Nov 2005  |  North America  |  Market Research
U.S. Consumer Location-based Service Markets - Enhancing Carrier ARPU Through LBS
As mobile carriers search for new types of products and services to leverage their network investments, commercial location-based services have emerged as an opportunity to provide a means of differentiation, a way to build customer loyalty, and a new revenue stream in the increasingly competitive mobile environment. Frost & Sullivan's US Location...
$2,450.00 -
10 Feb 2005  |  North America  |  Market Research
U.S. Location-based Service (LBS) Markets - Defining the Enterprise Opportunity
As mobile operators search for new types of products and services to leverage location investments in their networks, commercial location-based services have emerged as an opportunity to provide a means of differentiation, a way to build customer loyalty, and a new revenue stream in the increasingly competitive mobile environment. Frost & Sullivan...
$2,450.00 -
12 Sep 2003  |  North America  |  Market Research
Location Based Services: Where are we?