Medical Imaging & Informatics Market Research Reports
28 Sep 2022  |  North America  |  Market Research
US & Europe Non-Hospital Imaging Service Providers Growth Opportunities, 2022
Innovative Business Models Lead the Shift from Hospitals to Non-hospital Outpatient Imaging Facilities
This study addresses the current shift from in-hospital settings to non-hospital or outpatient settings for medical imaging service providers in the US and EU. The focus is on X-ray, ultrasound, mammography, MRI, and imaging IT solutions delivered in outpatient settings, such as ambulatory surgery centers (ASCs), independent imaging diagnostic cent...
$2,450.00 -
01 Apr 2022  |  North America  |  Market Outlook
Global Medical Imaging and Informatics Outlook, 2022
Smart Manufacturing and Cloud-based AI Solutions will Drive Market Growth and the Efficiency of Medical Imaging and Informatics
The global medical imaging and informatics market is experiencing significant changes with the emergence of advanced technologies, the changing consumer landscape and priorities, consolidation among radiology practices, mergers and acquisitions, portability, regulatory and reimbursement changes, smart manufacturing, local and global manufacturing, ...
$4,950.00 -
31 Jan 2022  |  Asia Pacific  |  Market Research
Enterprise Imaging Partnerships and Growth Opportunities in Selected Asia-Pacific Countries
New Business Models Overcome Budget Restrictions to Enable Equipment Purchase and Management
In this report, Frost & Sullivan analyzes emerging business models in the medical imaging industry in Asia-Pacific, focusing on India, Australia, Vietnam, Indonesia, and Singapore. Conventional business models that focus on selling products based on specification superiority or unique selling propositions are forecast to slow down. Requirement chan...
$2,450.00 -
24 Jan 2022  |  North America  |  Market Research
Global CT Equipment Procedure Volumes and Reimbursement Growth Opportunities
Demand for Pulmonary and Abdomen-based Imaging Accelerating the Growth of CT Procedures
An estimated 375 million computed tomography (CT) procedures are carried out globally, increasing at 3% to 4% every year. While the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a drop in CT procedures by over 20%, the industry is expected to be completely functional by the end of 2021. Pandemic-based sanitization protocols and patient hesitancy remain restrain...