Medical Imaging & Informatics Market Research Reports
28 Sep 2017  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Italy's New Business Models in Medical Imaging, Forecast to 2021
An Established Market for Multivendor Services Ripe for Progressive Managed Contracts
This research study focuses on the drive to operationalize capital and service costs favoring non-conventional business models (MES and MVS) in Italy over traditional capital-intensive purchasing and service models. The study also features a detailed elaboration on the legacy of public-private partnerships (PPP), framework agreement case studies, m...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %
02 Feb 2017  |  Europe  |  Market Research
Spain’s New Business Models in Medical Imaging, Forecast to 2020
Customer-Vendor Partnerships Find Windows of Opportunity Amidst a Deepening Public-Private Healthcare Divide
Low economic growth and limited access to capital funding compel hospitals in Spain to adopt new purchasing and service models for imaging equipment. The drive to operationalize capital and service costs favors non-conventional business models in Spain over traditional capital-intensive purchasing and service models. Vendor-customer engagement over...
Special Price $3,712.50 save 25 %