Mobile and Wireless Communications Market Research Reports

Mobile & Wireless communications are going through digitization and decentralization of several processes through the cloud and IOT or the Internet of Things. These markets are characterized by rapidly changing technology, evolving customer demands, and the frequent introduction of new products and services. Fragmentation along the mobile & wireless value chain creates challenges for market participants to off true end-to-end solutions. Increased reliability, coverage, data speeds and interoperability are made possible through these technologies, driving the market to an evolved, highly competitive stage. Mobility with BYOD (Bring your own device) will become all-pervasive among enterprises and M2M or machine to machine communication a pre-requisite.

Frost & Sullivan’s Telecommunications research and consulting programs look evolutions of hardware and software, with focus on the services built on these technologies. This provides unique insights into the competitive dynamics of the market, detailed assessments of market opportunities, pricing strategies, demand trends, and technological developments, as well as applications and best practices for the industry. In the mobile and wireless communications segment, we look at:

  • Mobile messaging, office applications and sales
  • Value-added premium mobile content
  • Location-based services
  • Cloud automation
  • IoT or Internet of Things
  • Satellite communications
  • Mobile resource management

We work closely with the world’s leading telecom firms, hardware manufacturers, service providers, OEMs and new age disruptors to build tailored, customized solutions provide clients with the best strategies for growth, supported by the right key data points researched to meet the client’s needs and the specific engagement. Our research spans broadly across the sector and provides deep insights into specific markets in the most significant areas of enterprise and consumer telecommunications industry.

  1. 07 Nov 2011  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    M2M in Government – Driving the Smart City Concept

    How Acute Care Hospitals Can Benefit from UC

    This analysis focuses on defining the next layer of M2M opportunities for the ICT sector. Frost & Sullivan identified a broad concept of Smart Cities that includes a variety of M2M functions and different stakeholders.  We believe that M2M in the Government sector can be described around a Smart Cities Concept.  Our analysis lays out the What, W...

  2. 11 Feb 2011  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    M2M Market Sizing in Europe

    Frost & Sullivan estimates that there are 15.2 million connected M2M SIMs in Western Europe in 2010.  The main countries where M2M demand is strong are in UK, France and the Scandinavian countries.  M2M demand and technology evolution will drive the next layer of M2M applications.  These sectors cover Utilities but relate closer to Smart Energy,...

  3. 12 Jan 2011  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    M-payments in Europe

    Frost & Sullivan is preparing an update on last year’s “Money in Mobile – European Transactions” analysis.  In this iteration of analysis, there are three main areas of analysis. An update on M-payment adoption and trials is provided to set the scene on stakeholder dynamics among telcos, financial institutions, retailers and other new typ...

  4. 14 Nov 2008  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Femtocells- Not Quite There Yet!

  5. 14 Nov 2008  |  Europe  |  Market Research

    Analyst Radar- WiMAX Forum Global Congress in Amsterdam

    Analyst Radar- WiMAX Forum Global Congress in Amsterdam
