Oil & Gas Market Research Reports
Oil and Gas industry is a highly dynamic industry which is impacted by a variety of forces such as Geopolitics, Regulations, Supply and Demand, and Price fluctuations. As the industry undergoes massive changes, we at Frost & Sullivan track these changes across upstream, midstream and downstream sectors and try to assess the impact these forces have on the market and on the market participants. Frost & Sullivan’s Oil & Gas Market Program provides clients with in-depth research and analysis on industry trends, market research and forecasts, customized consulting, and insights into emerging and groundbreaking technologies. We use market engineering research, market insights, analyst briefings, and economic research and analysis and outlook studies to help deliver business value to client and drive transformation of the clients business. Our Program Area looks at the following trends in the market
· Equipment market for extraction, processing and refining
· Conventional and Unconventional fuels (shale, oil sands, offshore and onshore)
· Oil Field Service markets
· Digital oil fields
· Subsea trends and markets
14 Dec 2022  |  Global  |  Market Outlook
Outlook 2023: Top 10 Predictions for the Oil & Gas Industry
Energy Transition and Decarbonization Goals to Drive Innovation and Sustainability Initiatives
The global energy industry is going through an unprecedented transition period, and this change is bringing exciting new growth opportunities to the oil and gas (O&G) sector. However, the shift to a net-zero future for carbon emissions means many companies are also facing pricing, energy security, and industry disruption struggles. The energy indus...
$2,450.00 -
27 Oct 2022  |  Global  |  Market Research
Oil & Gas Innovation Tracker: Emissions Management
Dynamic Companies Driving Innovation across Emissions Measuring & Monitoring and Digital Platforms
As decarbonization strategies gather pace across industries, emissions management is emerging as a key growth opportunity. Frost & Sullivan has identified a complex and dynamic value chain and set of process steps where opportunities abound: Planning and advisory; measuring and monitoring; mitigation; removal; reporting; and offsetting. Digital pla...
$2,450.00 -
03 Oct 2022  |  Global  |  Market Research
Growth Opportunities for the Electrification of Oil & Gas Operations
Decarbonization and Net Zero Goals will Stimulate Renewable Energy Investment and Process Electrification
Alongside major trends such as carbon capture, hydrogen production and usage, and energy efficiency, the electrification of oil and gas (O&G) operations using renewable energy sources will be a major area of opportunity for decades to come. Globally, governments are looking for solutions across sectors to mitigate climate change and support deca...
$2,450.00 -
07 Jul 2022  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Hydrogen Regulatory Frameworks and Growth Opportunities
Decarbonization of Industrial Sectors and Carbon Neutrality Goals Driving Government Investments in the Hydrogen Economy
Our pathway toward decarbonization and achieving the 1.5° Celsius target necessitates supportive regulatory frameworks mandating energy-efficiency measures across the commercial, industrial, and residential segments. It also requires significant economic investments driving renewables and the switch to nuclear low-carbon and large-scale CCUS techn...
$3,950.00 -
20 Dec 2021  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Oil and Gas Automation Growth Opportunities
Disruptive Technologies Driving Efficiency, Safety, and Sustainability
The global oil and gas market is currently going through an unprecedented transformation, triggered by efforts to reduce carbon emissions and rely on more renewable and environmentally friendly energy sources. The digitalization and automation of processes accompanying this shift represent enormous opportunities, and the market is poised to witness...
$4,950.00 -
30 Sep 2019  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Sustainability Trends Impacting Oil & Gas Industry
Robust Sustainability Strategies Enable O&G Companies to Address Environmental and Climate Change Risks and Provide a Competitive Advantage
The oil and gas industry has seen by many as major source of pollution in the world. Chemicals such as carbon dioxide and methane have been released to the atmosphere. The cumulative volume of both gasses, along with other harmful substances are massive. Decades of harmful emission has led to serious consequence, particularly on the deteriorating a...
$4,950.00 -
30 Sep 2019  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Blockchain for Oil & Gas Industry
Blockchain Has Potential to Disrupt Supply Chain Management in the Oil & Gas Sector
Blockchain is predicted to disrupt majority, if not all, of industries in the medium term. At the moment, the development of blockchain technology is already gaining momentum and it is already advancing in number of industries, oil and gas included. The core technology that blockchain can provide, which is distributed ledger, is seen as medium to i...
$4,950.00 -
08 May 2019  |  Global  |  Market Research
The Future of Completions Design
Impact of Industry 4.0 Technologies on this Critical Phase of Exploration and Production
This study is an overview of future technological trends in oil & gas completions design. Whether for an operator, a contractor, or a start-up, Frost & Sullivan believes that open collaboration and idea sharing will drive business opportunities and progress in the industry. To that end, this study has 3 goals: • Describe key areas of technolog...
$3,000.00 -
02 May 2019  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Technologies for Valorisation of Waste Streams from Oil & Gas Operations
Stakeholders realize the importance of implementing new processes to reclaim and reuse oil from sludge and emulsion solids
Oil sludge is produced at various stages of the oil industry from exploration, production, transportation, processing, and storage. Majority of the sludge is produced at waste water treatment plants considering that large quantities of water are used at critical nodes of the refinery process including desalting, thermal cracking, distillation and c...
$4,950.00 -
31 May 2018  |  Global  |  Technology Research
FEW (Food, Energy and Water) Nexus
Technology Fusion Enables Efficient Solutions
With unprecedented increase in the global population, dependency on primary resources including water, food and energy also increases. This has resulted in the rapid dwindling of resources at a greater rate which cannot meet the increasing demands of the rising global population. Therefore, it is necessary to promote sustainable technologies that s...