Others Market Research Reports

  1. 13 May 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    Top Technologies in Sustainable Energy in 2015 (Technical Insights)

    Powering the World Sustainably

    The research service provides an in depth analysis of the top 10 technologies that is expected to have the highest impact in the energy industry in 2015. Each technology is analyzed in terms of its innovation landscape, IP landscape, industry drivers and restraints, and technology adoption region-wise. Key partnerships, funding deals and the overal...

  2. 19 Mar 2015  |  Global  |  Market Research

    The Global Microgrids (MGs) and Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) Market

    Challenges and Promises in Decentralizing the Grid and Morphing Business Models

    An MG is an energy system consisting of a group of interconnected loads, distributed energy resources, consumers, and optional storage that acts as a single controllable entity with respect to the grid. A VPP is a virtual network that is dependent on software systems to connect remotely and automate dispatch of power generation. The fine line that ...
