Others Market Research Reports
22 Oct 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Analysis and Outlook of the Global Biofuels Industry
National Mandates Drive Strong Growth and Biorefinery Diversification Drives Maturation
This market insight provides an overview of the global biofuels market, including identified key technological, economic, and legislative trends and their implications. The historical development of the biofuels market, from first generation to third generation, is outlined. National mandates, which are crucial to driving biofuel production, are id...
$1,500.00 -
15 Jul 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Global Power Conversion Trends
GaN and SiC Power Semiconductors to Gain Importance in Power Conversion Applications
The use of wide bandgap power semiconductor devices such as SiC and GaN is still in the early stages of market development. Howerver, the potential that these market dynamics will change is highly likely. This market insight evaluates the current market status of SiC and GaN devices and their technological developments. Further, it discusses key ma...
$2,450.00 -
23 Jan 2013  |  Global  |  Market Research
Digital Oilfield
Progress Toward an Intelligent Oilfield
In the globalized world, the oil and gas (O&G) industry relies on information technology (IT) to meet its business goals. The O&G industry has realized that IT is the key to manage future oil platforms, and also for an efficient production of existing reserves. The need for a collaborative environment is expected to be a prerequisite in the near fu...