Primary Petrochemicals in the GCC: Propylene Market Tracker
Primary Petrochemicals in the GCC: Propylene Market Tracker
An Overview of a Key Petrochemical Feedstock for a Region of Growing Prominence
South Asia, Middle East & North Africa
South Asia, Middle East & North Africa
Deliverable Type
Market Research
Market Research
Research Code: 9A71-00-08-00-00
SKU: CM00015-SA-MR_00239
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The market insight provides information on one of the largest petrochemical regions, which is important for understanding the global market from a strategic perspective. The study enlists key manufacturers and their production capacities for propylene in the GCC along with a brief market overview and projected capacity expansions. Trade statistics for 2012 and price trend from 2008 to 2012 have been provided with a detailed analysis. The study includes a brief commentary on the major applications globally, key insights, and future growth prospects for propylene.
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The market insight provides information on one of the largest petrochemical regions, which is important for understanding the global market from a strategic perspective. The study enlists key manufacturers and their production capacities for propylene in the GCC along with a brief market overview and projected capacity expansions. Trade statistics for 2012 and price trend from 2008 to 2012 have been provided with a detailed analysis. The study includes a brief commentary on the major applications globally, key insights, and future growth prospects for propylene.
Deliverable Type | Market Research |
No Index | Yes |
Podcast | No |
Author | Jalpa Champaneri |
Industries | Chemicals and Materials |
WIP Number | 9A71-00-08-00-00 |
Is Prebook | No |