Polymers Market Research Market Research Reports
04 Nov 2003  |  North America  |  Market Research
U.S. High Performance Polymers Markets
The U.S. high performance polymers market is segmented into 7 sections that includes fluoropolymers, liquid crystal polymers. polysulfones, polyphenylene sulfide, high performance polyamides, polyimides and polyketones.Each of the segments are discussed seperately in their respective chapters. Each segment discusses current issues facing the market...
$3,950.00 -
17 Oct 2001  |  Global  |  Technology Research
Biopolymers: Sophisticated Materials with Growing Market Potential - 3rd Edition (Technical Insights)
Biopolymers are polymers that are generated from renewable natural sources. They are often biodegradable and not toxic to produce. Therefore, they offer far-reaching environmental advantages. Biopolymers can also be made from a variety of natural materials. Because of the advantages of biopolymers, the research community is doing extensive work in ...
$3,950.00 -
17 Sep 1999  |  Europe  |  Market Research
European Emulsion Polymers Markets